Tuesday, August 25, 2009

::My five frequent words::

MEANING: Used to give force to a statement
GR. INFO: used to emphasize that something will happen even if the person you are talking to does not want it to.
COLLOCATIONS: Anything, for, last one, nothing, etc
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): This car has been nothing but trouble - it's always breaking down!
MY EXAMPLE: I think it would be ok but I prefer ice cream.
OTHER: I was sick but now I'm ok.

WORD: Think
MEANING: To believe something or have an opinion or idea
GR. INFO: To use the brain to decide to do something
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): You think too much - that's your problem.
MY EXAMPLE: I think it was awesome.
OTHER: I think that's the best.

WORD: Thing
MEANING: Used to refer in an approximate way to an object or to avoid naming it
GR. INFO: That was an unkind thing to say.
COLLOCATIONS: like, that, the
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): That was an unkind thing to say.
MY EXAMPLE: The thing is that is not cool at all
OTHER: The little thing over there.

WORD: Like
MEANING: To enjoy or approve of something or someone
GR. INFO: Comparisons too
COLLOCATIONS: To, should, would, just, feel,
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): Do you like fish?
MY EXAMPLE: Would you like to go out with him?
OTHER: That's like kind of fun.

WORD: Beacuse
MEANING: For the reason that
GR. INFO: To give reazons
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): "Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to".
MY EXAMPLE: Because I don't want to
OTHER: Because she said that

1 comment:

  1. Try to work on words that are new for you so that you learn a lot more new words. See ya
