Tuesday, September 1, 2009

::English Profile::

English profile is a groundbreaking collaborative research programme registered with the Council of Europe and designed to provide a detailed set of Reference Level Descriptions for Englush. Linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), these will provide specific criteria for describing what a learner knows at a particular level of English.

By providing descriptions of the grammar, vocabulary and functions necessary to master language levels, English Profile will provide a clear benchmark for progress. This will also take account of the complex interactions between English and the learners’ own languages.

In time, English Profile will lead to the production of resources for the development of curricula, word lists, course materials and teaching guides. It will deliver materials of practical use for learners, teachers, and other professionals involved in language learning.

I think that we as future teachers have to be aware of English profile (and corpus too) because these kind of things are going to help us to give better classes. We all know that at school we just learn things by memory or words that no one uses. So, I think that all these knowledge we have to use it in our future classes.

1 comment:

  1. Fernanda,

    I am sure you have seen how to cite at language class. I would like you to rewrite this entry using your own words because, as you should know, plagiarism is pennalized at this university. If I want to know what it is I can go to

    and read all you posted. I want to know what you understood. Nobody says you cannot use quotes, but please write your source.

    I really hope this does not happen again.
