Tuesday, September 15, 2009

::English Profile 2.0::

English profile is a programme that can tell us which is the particular level of English that a learner has. English profile provide us descriptions of the grammar, vocabulary and functions necessary to master language levels.

In time, English Profile provide different types of material and teaching guides. Useful material for learnes and teachers. Also for other profesionals involved in lenguage learning too.

I think that we as future teachers have to be aware of English profile (and corpus too) because these kind of things are going to help us to give better classes. We all know that at school we just learn things by heart or we learn words that no one uses. So, I think that these kind of things are going to be very useful for us. The thing is that we are going to teach in different type of school and kids there are going to have different levels of English, and we have to be aware of that.

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