Wednesday, September 30, 2009

::Noun Phrases::

It was a nice Wednesday and my mom told me like always: Rise and shine! I was late for school again. I didn't want to get out of bed, anyway I did it. I could hear my mom again: Shake a leg girl! And I did realize that I was very late for school. I went out of home and then I smelled a rat. A girl on the corner had a weird expression on her face, something was wrong. A guy was selling movies on the street and she was very mad yelling at him. He was a fishy guy I thought. Then the guy said: Go fly a kite! And the girl said: I’m not going to pay through the nose you are totally mad! I was looking at him and he told me: what are you looking? And I was like Gosh! I have to run! But I couldn’t, I was just horsing around the street. The guy was looking at me very mad, and he told me: Cat got your Tongue? Finally he took out his gun, and I was like Oh my gosh I'm going to kite the bucket! I was high and dry because the other girl ran away! I closed my eyes and then my mom told me: rise and shine little girl!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

::Short Story::

It was a nice Wednesday and my mom told me like always: Rise and shine! I was late for school again. I didn't want to get out of bed, anyway I did it. I could hear my mom again: Shake a leg girl! And I did realize that I was very late for school. I went out of home and then I smelled a rat. A girl on the corner had a weird expression on her face, something was wrong. A guy was selling movies on the street and she was very mad yelling at him. He was a fishy guy I thought. Then the guy said: Go fly a kite! And the girl said: I’m not going to pay through the nose you are totally mad! I was looking at him and he told me: what are you looking? And I was like Gosh! I have to run! But I couldn’t, I was just horsing around the street. The guy was looking at me very mad, and he told me: Cat got your Tongue? Finally he took out his gun, and I was like Oh my gosh I'm going to kite the bucket! I was high and dry because the other girl ran away! I closed my eyes and then my mom told me: rise and shine little girl!

::English Profile 2.0::

English profile is a programme that can tell us which is the particular level of English that a learner has. English profile provide us descriptions of the grammar, vocabulary and functions necessary to master language levels.

In time, English Profile provide different types of material and teaching guides. Useful material for learnes and teachers. Also for other profesionals involved in lenguage learning too.

I think that we as future teachers have to be aware of English profile (and corpus too) because these kind of things are going to help us to give better classes. We all know that at school we just learn things by heart or we learn words that no one uses. So, I think that these kind of things are going to be very useful for us. The thing is that we are going to teach in different type of school and kids there are going to have different levels of English, and we have to be aware of that.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

::English Profile::

English profile is a groundbreaking collaborative research programme registered with the Council of Europe and designed to provide a detailed set of Reference Level Descriptions for Englush. Linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR), these will provide specific criteria for describing what a learner knows at a particular level of English.

By providing descriptions of the grammar, vocabulary and functions necessary to master language levels, English Profile will provide a clear benchmark for progress. This will also take account of the complex interactions between English and the learners’ own languages.

In time, English Profile will lead to the production of resources for the development of curricula, word lists, course materials and teaching guides. It will deliver materials of practical use for learners, teachers, and other professionals involved in language learning.

I think that we as future teachers have to be aware of English profile (and corpus too) because these kind of things are going to help us to give better classes. We all know that at school we just learn things by memory or words that no one uses. So, I think that all these knowledge we have to use it in our future classes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

::My five frequent words::

MEANING: Used to give force to a statement
GR. INFO: used to emphasize that something will happen even if the person you are talking to does not want it to.
COLLOCATIONS: Anything, for, last one, nothing, etc
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): This car has been nothing but trouble - it's always breaking down!
MY EXAMPLE: I think it would be ok but I prefer ice cream.
OTHER: I was sick but now I'm ok.

WORD: Think
MEANING: To believe something or have an opinion or idea
GR. INFO: To use the brain to decide to do something
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): You think too much - that's your problem.
MY EXAMPLE: I think it was awesome.
OTHER: I think that's the best.

WORD: Thing
MEANING: Used to refer in an approximate way to an object or to avoid naming it
GR. INFO: That was an unkind thing to say.
COLLOCATIONS: like, that, the
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): That was an unkind thing to say.
MY EXAMPLE: The thing is that is not cool at all
OTHER: The little thing over there.

WORD: Like
MEANING: To enjoy or approve of something or someone
GR. INFO: Comparisons too
COLLOCATIONS: To, should, would, just, feel,
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): Do you like fish?
MY EXAMPLE: Would you like to go out with him?
OTHER: That's like kind of fun.

WORD: Beacuse
MEANING: For the reason that
GR. INFO: To give reazons
EXAMPLE (From the dictionary): "Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to".
MY EXAMPLE: Because I don't want to
OTHER: Because she said that


A collection of texts, especially if complete and self-contained: the corpus of Anglo-Saxon verse. Plural also corpuses. In linguistics and lexicography, a body of texts, utterances, or other specimens considered more or less representative of a language, and usually stored as an electronic database. Currently, computer corpora may store many millions of running words, whose features can be analysed by means of tagging (the addition of identifying and classifying tags to words and other formations) and the use of concordancing programs. Corpus linguistics studies data in any such corpus.

If a texbook is Corpus based, we can already know that it is a good texbook. The thing is that Corpus is very important because it gives us a lot of information like frecuency. So, it means that the texbook have informationaccording to the current language. Usefull language, that the native speakers are using.

I think that it is very important for us as future teachers know about Corpus. We can see at school how children are learning things that are not useful at all. So, we can not make the same mistake with our future students, we have to teach frecuent language. We can ot teach "bathroom" anymore! beacuse native speakers don't use that word.

To sum up, I think that it is very important to learn about Corpus. Every teacher in the world have to know about this. I think that if we don't learn about how the word is changing every day we are going to make the same mistakes that our teachers at school. So, this is the time to change the world, and chilean education